
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Am i going down the same road again?

Am i doing it all over again? It is the thrill that I can't shake it off. Its making me feel a bit light headed. Like I just down a bottle of scotch. It was something. There was something in the air making both of us quite er..nervous.

I am afterall a mature woman. Not exactly old not that young either. Im at my peak. Plus, I do not think I look so bad being in my early 30s. My experience with the opposite isnt exactly limited. Ive had my share of guys. But its been awhile, with MEN. Real men. Sad to say, only little boys come my way. They may be delicious to taste but not much substance there.

This time, this round, he sounds like a MAN. Actually,he sounds really hot. Plus, me not mistaking the flirty part of the so called 'business conversation'. It was about business. It was all business mind you. But then, it my imagination or was he trying to lengthen the conversation. Told him he could just mailed me the link but he waited for it to load. The content that I needed I mean. And while it loads, we had small talk. Flirty giggles and all. Im guilty of it absolutely. I tried to make it sound like a sexy throaty laugh of a 30 year old but it ended up sounding like a 15 year old giggle. Shucks!!

I tried my best to sound all business like though..but GOSH I cant seem to wipe this smile off my face. Im wearing this Cheshire grin all over my face and I cant help myself. THATS why I have to blog. Just to get it all out of my chest. He sounds SO sO macho! SUCH A MANLY VOICE!!!

I so hope he ends up looking like a dog. But then, the info I got hmmm... Well, its at least something exciting thing that I can look up to.

What an interesting day it has been. Wonder what tomorrow holds....

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