
Friday, March 28, 2008

Flirty On Air

Was listening to a show on the radio. Despite how corny it sounds, Flirty at Ten Thirty is quite interesting. Without actually realising it, you are actually holding your breath waiting for the answer. Wondering whether its gonna be a sweet one or its just gonna BOMB!! Flirty at Ten thirty is actually a radio show for those who are too shy to ask their lust object out. Last night's show was the worst, when they guy told the gal who asked him out that he's not INTERESTED. Not only he told her off directly he told her and the world (on air) that he was just flirting with her all these while because his buddy asked him to test her out. What an asshole!!!Well, later the station was bombarded by calls defending the girl and lashing out at the jerk. Serve him right.

I'm down with a bad cough. Maybe it is something in the cough mixture. Feeling a bit down the weather but still up for a day out with the cousins. Going out later and just hope I wont piss in my pants when I cough away.

I'm moving from the house. The house which holds so many memories. I never thought it would be this hard but yes it is hard. It is so difficult to just walk away. It is a lot of baggage to throw out. So painful to let go. To not look back and change my mind.