
Friday, July 14, 2006

He's Online...

I have finally settled down. I found something I love doing and earning money from it. I want to write, just did not have the time. Its 1.30 am in the morning and here I am. There is nothing much to write. None to pour, no anger, no sadness just..well still not content though. I have finally settled down again. everything is quiet and looks fine and okay. The waves softly splashes on the sandy beaches or sumthin like that. Then...WHAM!

He's back.

I saw him online!!!

I have forgotten that he is in my contact, since my YM setting is to see online contacts only. So one day, there it is..he's online!!!

Bloody hell...should i Say Hi or shouldn't I.

I logged out. ( the chicken in me I guess)

I logged in again..sheeshh..this might be the one and only time I get to see him online.

Portugal or Germany (the match was coming up in a few hours) so I just typed.. Portugal or Germany?

and he answered Germany

as it went along..he suddenly asked who is this??



hmmm...and then he typed baby is that u?

BABY? Which baby am I???

The one he's fucked in KL or the one he is currently fucking in Dublin.

What the fuck. I have no idea what am I doing wasting my time with this LOSER.

SO I logged the fuck out.